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Can a Community Drive Innovation?

When the creativity of startups and their willingness to take risks meet the expertise and networks of large companies, innovations can happen that benefit one in particular: the customer.

Interview with Andreas Wuerfel at the METRO Accelerator Demo Day

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The retail sector is changing rapidly. Digitalisation, urbanisation, limited resources, ever changing consumer behaviours: the challenges are manifold. As diverse are the ideas that startups all over the globe are developing into new business models. For market savvy companies, these new solutions are inspiring, if not partially disruptive - but precisely because of this, they are highly interesting. It is not sufficient just to keep or optimise the existing system in order to master the change from an analogue to a digital business successfully.

Andreas Würfel works as Director Innovation Community at METRO at the interface between the company's own innovations department and international entrepreneurs. For the past two years, the METRO Accelerator programme has been bringing pioneers together and is by now the centre of a growing community.


Mio Mobile Kiosk

Do You Have to Go Looking For a Kiosk – or Could it Come to You?

We all like to get out and about in summer. But there’s just one thing missing… exactly, a nice cool refreshing drink. The nearest kiosk is over half a mile away – but here’s the answer: Mio Mobile Kiosk.

Frag Paul Header 1

Can a Whole HR Department Fit on a Single Tablet?

Had enough of doing the payroll and shift scheduling? Just ask Paul, the personal personnel assistant for the hospitality industry. He’ll take on all those really boring tasks that eat into your time.


Can a Mouse Click Prevent People From Starving?

Olcay Silahli and Arda Eren from Whole Surplus want to save the world. Their IT tool reduces food waste and thus combats hunger and climate change. Now they are off to a flying start with METRO's accelerator programme.

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